Coach, Speak & Train
Bringing positive leadership and culture alive in your school, organization or business.
Jerry Hanson.
Jerry is an engaging, passionate communicator and a leading expert at helping people understand their personalities and the role of leadership. He is a Certified Leadership Trainer for the John Maxwell Team as well as a Positive Warrior Certified Trainer for Mr. Positivity, Jon Gordon. Many of John Gordon’s programs can be found in schools worldwide, led by The Energy Bus.
Jerry enjoys the Maxwell DISC Personality Indicator presentations because they are highly interactive and enhance the lives of all who experience it. Jerry is a popular youth and adult motivational speaker/trainer. He has given presentations and has spoken to students and adults nationwide through leadership conferences, conventions, school assemblies/classroom presentations and other student events.
Is SuccessBuilders Right for You?
Speaking Topics
DISC for Students/Adults (Personality Assessment)
The Stress of Returning to School/Work (Onsite/Online)
The Platinum Rule—Communication Skills That Work
The Power of Positive Leadership (onsite or online)
Communication That Hits the Mark
Honor the Past, Celebrate the Future
The Power of Positive Leadership
The Post COVID Stress of Returning to School/Work
SuccessBuilders Presentation Breakdown
These programs can all be given in a 45-90 minute session or in a more in depth half-day session. These presentations can be tweaked to fit your specific needs.
DISC for Everybody
This 45-90-minute session helps all participants identify their own personality indicators and guide them in communicating with others. We use DISC assessments with students ages 10+, adults (school staff, parents, business people). If you use communication skills at all, and we all do, DISC will be greatly beneficial. Gaining this DISC knowledge will help you find a more effective way to understand people and build positive relationships with those who are important in your life at home, work and anywhere you interact with people.
Communication That Hits the Mark
How is your Personality Language working for you? Many of us don’t have a clue what our Personality Language is or what is the desired language of others we deal with daily. Communicate with people in the way THEY want to be communicated with—that’s the Platinum Rule. SuccessBuilders will teach you how to focus on these communication skills that lead to success, using personality and generational traits people possess. Communication That Hits the Mark will help you win the communication battle and put you on the road to success.
Power of Positive Leadership
Great for administrative teams or leadership teams. This training is based on well-known speaker Jon Gordon’s best-selling book “The Power of Positive Leadership,” a great read for leaders and teams alike. Learn the important components of creating and maintaining a positive leadership team as well as a positive workforce. Learn the tricks to dealing with Energy Vampires so they can’t ruin your positive culture. Leave this session with an Action Manifesto to put to work as soon as you walk out the door.
Honor the Past, Celebrate the Future
“Why can’t we all just get along?” Is that a burning question around your workplace? If so, it may be because your staff doesn’t understand Personality Languages and Generational Trends. This presentation includes the Personality Indicator components and the Generational components that people too often do not understand. Younger employees may not show loyalty or respect due to older employees. Older employees may see the new breed as slackers because they aren’t “dawn to dusk” dedicated like they are. When we better understand ourselves, we can better understand others. When we learn about the personality languages and the trends of generational habits, we understand why we don’t just all get along. We CAN take steps to close these communication gaps. This interactive training will get everyone on the right page so we can become an all-in team.